A Critical Look at Mental Health News Curation on Storify

December 29, 2015

With such a variety of news outlets available at the touch of your finger tips and across so many different media platforms, it's important for readers and curators to pick out the best and most relevant content.

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When using a platform such as Storify it is obvious how important such an inventive tool can effectively be used for curating relevant and interesting content. Allowing audiences to engage with the vast majority of news and reactions about a topic that has been popular. In one Storify, I reflect on 2015 and mental health news. During this process it was picking important articles and tweets from throughout the year giving an accurate reflection of the news and events. This was imperative to allow you, the audience, to have read truthful and an accurate understanding.

As I searched for important news that symbolised each milestone throughout the year, it became apparent that this timeline would highlight to the reader any positive or negative changes as well as the overarching themes, challenges and outcomes faced by the NHS when dealing with mental health patients in 2015.

It was a piece to set the tone and look at how we as a country are dealing with mental health. By highlighting the unfortunate negatives and some of the incredible positives it allows understanding of what we have achieved in 2015 and what needs to be focused on for 2016. As well as what changes we, as the general public should be fighting for.

Also on Storify a post about how powerful Twitter can be in the mental health news allowed me to understand the importance of being ethical with the tweets I was including within the Storify content. Whilst I had an ethical mind to the story I was creating and the content I was using, it was very important to me to showcase how personal, raw and emotional tweets had such an impact. It is important to spread effective awareness with such personal, raw and emotional tweets giving people an insight and understanding to the topic that they may not of had before.

I concluded that including tweets that discussed one individuals admittance to a psychiatric ward were still very personal accounts and under an ethical practice I deemed this to still be a little close to the line to include in this Storify. However, in hindsight Storify is an amazing news platform as it allows journalists to use such raw and personal tweets within their news story to highlight how important the platform is at allowing personal expression and insight that news stories previously couldn't.

Storify, is also a great tool for reporting on events and people's reaction to them. Here I created a Storify of Twitter's reaction to Professor Green's Suicide and me documentary on BBC 3. It was very important to showcase people's reactions to the content and leave the reader with a sense of understanding to how the public felt about such a documentary and it was refreshing to see such positive and supportive reactions.

Another Storify I created curated content about mental health on the platforms BuzzFeed and The Huffington Post. Storify was great for this as it allowed me to showcase how important Twitter is in spreading the word about content as well as sharing with the audience some really interesting posts.

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