Find Out More: Me, You & Our Never Ending Race For Happiness

Get Busy Living, One Day At a Time.

Here you can read about my story and what you'll find on this blog. 

Photo Credit: Samantha Clayson
An optimistic view

My story: 

This time last year my world, as I knew it, fell apart and consequently I suffered with severe depression and anxiety. 

As a sufferer of minor social anxiety throughout my previous 20 years, I was suddenly experiencing a whole new scarier world than ever before. My depression pulled me into a very dark place leading me into all kinds of trouble and scary life threatening situations. Anxiety had me crippled at every minute, of every day. Even in my dreams, I couldn't escape it. 

This however, is not a sad story.

Finally, I reached my lowest point. There was nowhere else for me to go and I wanted out, I needed it to stop. With that being the last I could take, I changed my fate.

After being pushed from A to B, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills being prescribed to me for breakfast, lunch and dinner which, ultimately made me feel even worse. I dusted off my exploring shoes and walked away from a well-worn circular path, the dead end that had become my life.

This blog is an account of how we, as members of a very strong and powerful society can hand-in-hand create a new way of thinking about mental health. Let us start with assessing where and how mental health is presented in current journalism. 

Mainstream journalistic report leads us further down a slippery slope of doom and gloom. With stats and reports informing us depression is effecting more people than ever, the NHS is crippling and isn't capable of supporting those with mental health issues. A steep pile of other bleak content leads the way forwards with a strong feeling of hopelessness. 

Isn't it time we change the conversation?

With the wealth of benefits that today's advanced technological age provides us with, as the majority, let's review and change the conversation about mental health. 

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